
Well, this week I didn’t really know what to do for my project so I did some random things.

These are some pictures I took a while ago, but I finally decided to put them on here. It was when I went camping over the summer and I was sitting around the fire with my friends, I was looking at the beautiful moon and I decided to try to take some pictures of it. 

I do like these a lot. I like how the branches cut into the moon. The later ones are my favorite, the ones where neither the moon nor the branches are in focus. It reminds me of something Twitchell showed us, a series done by Zach Arias, found here: http://www.zarias.com/imperfect-work-blowing-it-on-purpose/. The last 2 are my favorite, I really like the contrast of the bright moon and the branches, and I don’t know, I just really like them, nice and simple.


Then I did some editing, the first 2 are old photos that I thought could be enhanced, so I tried to emphasize the color. The other three were art projects that I had to take pictures of and I I just wanted to make them look their best in a photo.



I really liked the original photo, but I thought that I could emphasize the beautiful sunset and clouds, so I tried to do my best. I like how it turned out, but I don’t like that I lost so much of the detail.



They sky is always so pretty, in my opinion. I took this picture as I was walking around one day a while ago. When I was editing my photos for my post last week I was messing around with 2 pictures of the sky and I figured out a way to make the sky look all pretty, just using curves and levels.







For these 3 pictures, I was trying to get it to their original colors and shades, I guess. For the eye and the lips I just did some level adjustments. For the middle one I had to do some hue/saturation adjustment and levels.


Anyways, it was just good practice with basic editing once again.