Clouds, Floods and Signs! Oh My!

Clouds are beautiful and unique and you can make them look like anything you want. While we were on our roadtrip to Mexico there were some pretty sweet clouds and I attempted to capture them in all their glory. Hope you enjoy these as much as I do!

I had quite a few more, but I didn’t want to bore anyone here.

When we were driving through a few of the midwestern states there was some major flooding going on and I tried to capture it but I’m not sure I was successful. Oh well, here they are:

I had never seen anything like this before, I only wish I could have gotten better pictures.

Finally, SIGNS. While we were driving we passed a place called Shelbyville, one of my good friends name is Shelby. From that point on I devoted myself to taking pictures of signs that had the names of my friends in them. My determination lasted about 2 days and then the excitement passed so I missed out on taking more than the ones I managed to get. I realized, though, that it is tricky trying to take pictures of signs while you’re driving past them at 70 mph. Anyways, here are the few that I got:

There are a few more but the internet here is a little slow so it takes a while for pictures to load, therefore I won’t be adding any more pictures to this post.

Signing off now,